Cycle for Dave

2012 June 27

Created by Nigel Bruce 8 years ago
The idea of "Cycle for Dave" came basically from a few of us reminiscing about our much loved David and all the various escapades he got up to over the years raising funds for Charity. From shaving only half his face to dying his beard red or wearing a red nose all the way to work from Bearsden via public transport or simply the charity Christmas cards ! - Either a brave man or one with a screw loose if you ask me but a man always keen to do his bit for those less fortunate than himself. It became obvious that we all remembered these stories fondly and very quickly there was a common bond that we would like to do something as a group in memory of and in tribute to our Dave. Various ideas were bandied about, some a tad extreme and some plain bonkers ! Ultimately we wanted something which would be as inclusive as possible, something which would cement the sense of family within Concept and something which we think David would have liked...From that "Cycle for Dave " was born and straight from the off the response and enthusiasm has been phenomenal . What we hope to build on, is the opportunity for folk to do their own individual sponsorship and bring as much as they can to the fundraising table.. We have every confidence that the event will be a huge success but please remember - Talk is Cheap....we need to follow through and put our Money where our Mouths are so dig deep folks lets all be proud of what we raise. Kenny Paterson & Iain Boyle